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Podia’s Acceptable Use Policy

A few rules to help keep our creators and their customers safe.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

One of Podia’s core values is:

For everyone, equally.

No matter who you are, how old you are, what race or gender you are, or what country you call home, if you’re a creator, we’re working for you. We treat everyone with the same respect and with the same level of attention, regardless of whether you’re just starting out or at the top of your field.

In following with this value, our policy is to allow nearly all content on Podia, with a minimal set of restrictions we feel are necessary to keep our customers safe.

Content that is restricted includes:

  • Illegal content. You may not host or sell any content that is disallowed by the laws of the jurisdictions in which you operate or do business, or which promotes illegal activity.
  • Stolen content. You may not host or sell any content that infringes on the copyright or trademarks of others.
  • Content that exploits children. You may not host or sell any content that exploits or abuses children, including but not limited to images or depictions of child abuse or sexual abuse, or that presents children in a sexual manner.
  • Content that threatens or incites violence. You may not host or sell content that threatens or encourages acts of violence.
  • Doxing. You may not host or sell content that shares peoples’ private information without their consent.
  • Fraud or phishing. You may not conceal your identity for the purposes of stealing from, extorting, or harming others.
  • Hate speech. You may not use Podia to attack or advocate for the abuse or exclusion of any person or community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, genetic predisposition, political or religious affiliation, disabilities, or any other protected class under applicable law. This list is not exhaustive, and we reserve the right to make the final determination regarding whether content hosted on Podia constitutes hate speech.
  • Harassment. You may not use Podia to harass or intimidate anyone, either directly or by influencing others to do so.
  • Pornography and explicit content. You may not host or sell any content that falls under the category of pornography. We define pornography as any real, fictional, or simulated depictions of sexual acts that are created to provide sexual gratification to the viewer.
  • Spam. You may not use Podia to send unsolicited communications (bulk or otherwise), promotions, or advertisements. We reserve the right to determine what constitutes spam.

Usage of Podia Email requires compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act. Additionally, we monitor account health metrics like bounce rates, spam complaints, and unsubscribe rates, as well as sends to known purchased or traded email lists. Flags raised by this monitoring may trigger manual review for suspension or termination of the account.

Outside of these restricted areas, we don’t monitor or police any content on Podia for three important reasons:

  • Podia is not a shared marketplace; every Podia creator’s Storefront is their own.
  • Your Podia Storefront will only ever show YOUR content (and not content from other creators).
  • Your customers will NEVER see content from other Podia creators (unless they’ve connected with those creators independently of your Storefront).

Because Podia does not own our creators’ content, creators are entirely responsible for the content in their Podia Storefront and products.

All products, customers, content and ideas belong to the creators who publish them, not to us. Creators are responsible for ensuring that their content is original and owned by them (and if it isn’t has all necessary copyright and trademark clearances), and is legally allowed to be shared online.

If your content has legal age restrictions, you are responsible for using age verification tools on your Podia pages. We recommend AgeVerify’s tool.

If we see you doing something that violates our content restrictions, and/or receive complaints from parties affected by illegal behavior on your Podia site, we reserve the right to take action up to and including removing the illegal content and suspending your account without refund.

Any questions about our content policy? Send us an email to or reach out on live chat, we’d be happy to help.